DE | DOI | SilberSingles |Mainstream |Email traffic
Смотреть офферCountry : Germany
Flow : DOI
Total cap: 200
Restrictions no incent traffic ,no fraud
Targeting: 50+.
Only Email traffic !!!!
Please be aware of the below before doing a sendout:
— Previews MUST be shared with;
— BLACKLIST can be downloaded at the "creative" section;
— Please ensure that you include your footer (+ unsubscribe link etc);
— Please ensure your list has gone through the suppresion list;
— Targeting: 50+
— Best shoot times are after 16:00 (4pm)!
Sender name:
— [List Name]
— [List Name] und SilberSingles
— [List Name] in Zusammenarbeit mit SilberSingles
Subject Lines:
— Partnersuche für Singles ab 50 Jahren
— Jetzt verlieben mit 50+
— Entspanntes Kennenlernen für Singles ab 50