KR | CPI | V4 | Android
Смотреть офферCountry: Republic of Korea
Flow: CPI
Restrictions: No incent, no fraud
D1 RR < 10% , create character RR < 25%/ **NOTE))Stage 1-3, 1-4, Hidden Level reverse
NOTE: Campaign shall be immediately cancelled or terminated and payments will not be made on account of the availabilities on the below standard and terms in proceeding with Campaigns. (No in-app event, No RR, No User Registration rate, No Level Accomplishment, No Purchase, SPIDs that are divided into one-by-one phenomenon, Under 10s of CTIT, Usage of Fraud traffic, Traffic used outside of overseas, Device usage outside of overseas, Conversion/Install outside of overseas, Difference on IP, No ADID(GAID) device ID, Language carrier difference, Difference on designated Telecommunication, Difference on agency, Difference on device, Difference on apps’ version, Difference on SDK, Reverse phenomenon (such as any unsteady or odd, peculiar phenomenon), Usage of Emulator, Unusual pattern, and etc.)